
Introducing AROC Action

In August 2024, Arab community members launched Arab Resource and Organizing Center Action (AROC Action), a Southwest Asian North African (SWANA) 501c4 based in the SF Bay Area aimed at growing our advocacy power. AROC Action enables our communities to engage more directly on electoral issues and take stronger advocacy positions and actions.

The needs and electoral interests of the SWANA community cut across many sectors, with community members from working class and immigrant bases, small business owners, young activists, students, and 2nd and 3rd generation Arab Americans. We see the role of AROC Action as advocating for progressive issues in support of our communities, such as defending against anti-Arab or anti-Muslim racism, surveillance and profiling, advocating for public education, stronger immigrant protections, and advancing other social and economic reforms benefiting working class communities.

AROC Action seeks to initially focus our 2024 political efforts towards shifting political and economic priorities to invest in the life-affirming policies, stopping the genocide in Gaza, and demanding an immediate ceasefire through an end to US weapons support to Israel.

Our Principles

Palestine Solidarity

We work for freedom and justice in Palestine, most immediately to stop the genocide in Gaza and demand an immediate ceasefire through an end to US weapons support to Israel.

Local Action

Our work is locally rooted while recognizing that our communities are deeply connected to our homelands. We recognize that what happens in our homelands, including Palestine, is impacted by our local politics and vice versa.

Community Defense

SWANA community and Palestine activists are facing discrimination, retaliation, and criminalization. We seek to defend and empower our community members and allies against such attacks.

Building Unity

We recognize that our community and our interests are multi-faceted, and we work to build unity among and across these differences by engaging in direct communication and feedback.

Uplifting All

We center the needs and interests of those most marginalized within our communities, including poor and working class people, undocumented immigrants, women and gender non-conforming people, and others.

Bridging Solidarity

We understand our needs to be interconnected with other communities of struggle and we actively seek to partner with those who share our values and political interests.

Join AROC Action

We invite you to join AROC Action as a member or volunteer. As a member, you will help to inform our political goals as AROC Action. Membership is for those who identify as Arab, Southwest Asian, or North African and live or work in the greater Bay Area.

All others are invited to volunteer and/or donate to AROC Action in support of our work and values!

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